Monday, August 29, 2011

Just Another Manic Monday

Ok, when I was thinking, "What's a cute title for a post on this Monday afternoon?", and those who know me well, know my thoughts are complete with a running soundtrack in my mind.... "Just Another Manic Monday" popped into my brain.  BUT then, I thought, really? Maybe I should look up the true definition, just to be sure... And, drum roll, please....definition 2. Frenetically busy; frantic: "the pace is manic as we near our deadline".  Yep! I'd say it fits. ;)

 Just as you think things are slowing down, they rev back up.  I'm thinking my new word is "Zoom".  Remember that PBS show from the '80's...."I"m gonna zooma, zooma, zoom. I'm gonna zooma, zooma, zooma, zoom".   I loved that show! Haha... Yes, I was raised in the country, we had 5, count them FIVE channels.  Lol
Here's what's hot in the workroom tonight and for the rest of the week! Yep, I'm a busy girl!  Busy and Blessed!!

These can be found at Creative Whit on Old Greenwood Road, next door to FCA, and that new day spa, can't remember their name at the moment, but I've heard they are trade friendly!!!! You KNOW what I am thinking!!!

Later! xoxo

Friday, August 26, 2011

Remember WonderWoman? I KNOW Her!! ;)


New look, huh? 

There's one woman to thank....Tiffany, from Another Pie In the Sky Designs!!! Some of you may know her as @anthrpienthesky from Twitter.  If you don't follow her should, 'cause you are missin' out!!!  Cannot begin to say how grateful I am!!! Sorry, the spot of "Biggest Fan" has been taken, but feel free to fill in the ranks!! ;-)  xoxoxoxoxo to my Sweet Tiffany!! Oh, yeah...almost forgot! She IS for hire!!  Leave me a comment, and if you don't know her, I'll be ever so glad to put you in touch.

Last week, I had just contacted a company that specializes in current business obsession, and when I mentioned some of what I was hoping to accomplish, Tiffany said, "Let me see what I can do for you first."  I gotta tell ya, I'm one blessed girl! (side note: one of my WWF buddies thought maybe I should call myself "SewWoman" because of my age....a PR student, no less...punk kid)  Anyway, back to Tiffany! :))
She has also challenged me to get my sewing room in order, and it's coming along. The agreed to date for show and tell is Sept. 1, but if the IRS grants extensions....I'm wondering if I can get one?  Hmmmm...???  Honestly, progress has been made, and I just contacted my personal decorator today(you know who you are ;)  ), because I'd love to show it "cute" not just "clean", although "clean" is a HUGE improvement!!! 

I hate to post without including a picture, can we let my new profile pic count?  Many thanks, Buddy ;) xo

Monday, August 22, 2011

Cake on the Brain

So it's 2:50 in the morning, and I can't sleep. Archer woke me when the dog irritated him, and that's been well over two hours... Yes, I could be reading, and probably will after this, but for now, I can't help but think about cake... Go figure.

Growing up, I really wasn't into sweets. I was a meat, veggies and bread kinda girl. My sweet Grandpa always made the cousins jealous, because I got soda with meals at our grandparents, simply because I never ate dessert. BUT, let me tell ya, I could clean up a bowl of green beans in nothin' flat! Haha..

My grandparents lived just down the road, could've walked to their house, but always rode my bike~ let's say...3 miles? Close enough. ;) And family reunions were VERY important to my grandparents. Could not count my "cousins" if I tried! I was fortunate to ride home from said family reunions with my sweet grands, and one year, sitting next to me in the backseat, were the remains of Grandma's carrot cake. I was hungry, and must have thought it looked appealing. One bite, two bites...I was hooked. Cream cheese frosting was just sweet enough, but not too sweet...divine. Pretty sure there wasn't much left once we got home.

Still, I wasn't a fan of that many sweets(oh, how I wish that were still true today, although, still a little picky). My mom did not bake, but she could make a mean Rice Crispy Treat, though! Lol.

A few years later, I was intrigued by another cake, this one, like the first, sported a topcoat of cream cheese frosting, but had nuts and guessed it Italian Creme Cake! With raspberry preserves between the layers...have mercy!!! I started making this cake when I kinda hit my baking stride in my mid twenties. It was a hit and my mom loved it, and I loved to watch her eat it. The look of bliss on her face was priceless!! Kinda like last night, when I made Monte Cristos for the first time, and TallGuy actually licked his plate!! Lol. No joke!

My most recent love in the world of cake has been the Red Velvet. Yumo!! Only since LittleGuy has come have I indulged in this pleasure...funny thing is, the best one I've found? It comes from Wal-Mart! Lol

Hungry yet??

I guess, in a perfect world, the "perfect cake" would have three layers, because no one should ever have to choose just one. ;-)

Ok, 3:18 now. Just two more hours until Paul's bakery opens. Anybody wanna meet me there? Haha.. You know I'd be more than happy to share. :)

Hope your day is the BEST!! xoxo

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone! Woot! From my phone, people!! LOVE! ;))