Friday, December 3, 2010

What's a Girl to Do?

Okay, I've got an event coming up. Needed something to wear. UUhhhgggg....that means shopping. Unless it's fabric, I want no part of it!! Sights like this...

and this....
Kind of make my head spin, and my stomach queasy.  BUT!  I must find something to wear. :(  AND don't even let me think I might have to try on something in a store!  Hate it with a passion.  I know, definitely not typical.  So called up my Kansas...wanna see her...hehehe...she's gonna kill me...

Thanks to Bobby D for the photo!

And we set up a time to "get er done."  When we met that morning, she told me what she thought of my explanation of wanting to go early in the day and "get it over with." How she had thought to herself..."this is jan..."   Lol!  

We met in the parking lot at 9:15, it was cold, and she laughed when she saw I had worn my flip flops.  I told her I had worn flips, low rise jeans and a shirt that would slip over my head, for easy access...  I knew she would have me trying on more than I even wanted to think about. :p 

Here she is arranging things in order for me to try on....a friend, indeed
The dress in, can you say, "Austin Powers"

Obviously, there was something I liked, because I ended up with TWO pictures of it!  Yeah, if you're looking to buy a jacket, make it leather, if you can. ;))

Do you see this RACK of clothes?!?  I tried on the WHOLE thing!  My mother would never believe it!
Did love the red ruffles, by the way... ;)  Might have to go back and get that AND the leather! :-D
Look at these two!  Where does she think I'm going???  And, yes, I tried them on...yeah, I'm laughing, even now. hehehehe

And the winner is....
Grey skirt, black velvet jacket, and that blouse...I don't even know what to call it, BUT I do know that I don't have to worry about jewelry!  *bonus*

Whew....after all that...we headed to Panara's for hot chocolate(K), coffee(me) and scones...  AND can I just say.... I was home in time to feed my kids lunch!

Thanks, K! oxoxoxo

New Meaning to An Old Phrase

How many times have you said, "What did you do last night?"  Or, how many times have you been asked?  Well, two weeks ago I was running on empty, downing that eggnog shake, because I had been up literally the entire night before!  Well, I take that back....I did go to bed at the MORNING!  What was I doing?  Well, sewing and playing Words, of course! 

Remember those Christmas dresses mentioned in an earlier post? Well you know about those promises. ;)

Here they are...

And here they are on....
Merry Christmas!
I had thought I was further along, than I was with these dresses.  Then a major distraction hit me head on, and THEN, Tall Guy had to make a trip to the ER for staples.  Get basketball practice, he and a friend go up at the same time, and his friends tooth hits his arm.  No harm, no foul?  Not this time.  The tooth broke off in Tall Guys arm, to be found on the floor later, and, needless to say, sliced his arm like a knife.  Poor boys!  Tall Guy was in the ER that night, and Friend was in the dentist chair first thing the next morning.
AND  we were all at a basketball tournament by that afternoon. :p  I'm thinking a nap on the couch would have been oh, soooooo nice. :) 

Friday Funny :-D

So, Friday Funnies have become a semi-regular thing with a few friends.  Usually including something my 10 or 6 year olds have said or done(they are a wealth of material!).  In honor of the weekend arriving...PTL!!! I thought this might brighten your day. :) 


Thursday, December 2, 2010


*disclaimer*disclosure*warning* ;)  The following post is highly personal and emotional.  I'm mainly posting if for a few close friends who read, but if you need a good cry, and promise not to tell me to get my big girl panties on, and get over it....feel free to read on.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tonight we got in after dark to my Dad's deer camp.  Always before he'd had a TV in his 5th wheel, well, he took it out...  So, after we got unpacked and the girls and I were settled in, we thought we could watch a movie on the laptop.  I started looking around, thinking he surely had a DVD stashed somewhere... Well, no DVD, but I did find something, that for me is a treasure.... 

Let me back up, just a bit.

My brother was married in October of 2006.  There were several people taking pictures, besides the photographer.  So, for a while afterwards, we would receive pictures from one family member or another.  ALL very welcome. ;)  In the late summer of 2007, Sweet Memory gave me a Ziploc bag of pictures.  Did you know she was a Kindergarten teacher?  She kept EVERYTHING in Ziploc baggies. Lol! 

Inside that bag I found pictures, that were good, and soon would become my favorites.  I wanted so much to take them to have some editing done, after we lost her, but only had the copies I had and was afraid to let them out of my sight. By now, you know where this is going.  The treasure found was the  CD with photos I had, and more...of a time past, when all seemed right in the world.

Wanna see?
                                 Oh, happy day!  My  Dad, Brother, and my Mom. 

Hehehe... This picture caught us unaware, and for that I love it.  Kind of like life. ;)

My Grandma.  She called me "my girl."  She went on Home, December 1, of last year.  Yes, exactly one year ago, I was sitting by her bed, holding her hand, and even though she couldn't speak, she gave me the same look you see in this photo.  Loved her, love her....still.  Home was just as much her house, as my own.  The "Sew Sow" in the title of this blog?  She's the reason... How else would I know that strawberries grow great in the asparagus patch?

My favorite.
This photo of us...makes my heart swell and eyes water... So wish I knew what was so funny.  This was not an uncommon sight or occurrence.  Laughter came easy in our home and family.   Scott and David are sweethearts, but I'm having this one edited(now that I've got the file).  There the three of us are laughing, with my Dad standing in the background.  Always, like our Northern Star, our rock, the one who made it so easy to believe in a Heavenly Father, because he was a living, breathing reflection of Him.  Mom said she knew I needed something, when I would call from school and ask for Dad.  Sorry, Dad, should have called just to say, "hello." 

And finally,
My parents, together, smiling...just as it should be.  What would I have changed if I had known, that just 369 days later we would be gathered in a cool room in disbelief.  Holding her hand as the breath left her body for the last time and her heart slowly...stopped...beating.

Post Script.... It's taken me a couple of days to work up the nerve to post this...still not sure...I will say that God is faithful, and most days I'm in a really good place. :)

Tour(still playing catch-up ;) )

So, I promised you a tour...  Don't let it be said that I don't keep my promises. ;)

What does a momma who loves some fresh venison, appreciates a good shot, but has no desire to sit in a deer stand do in the "deer woods"?  She quilts!  I made a crazy quilt the first two years we went, and the last two years, I've worked on my "Green Quilt."  Why green? Well it's my favorite color, of course! ;)
Aaannnddd...where else can you have army trucks and flowers right next to each other?
In the morning, you've got to have a little comfort. So, remember my eggnog milkshake?  Well, how about eggnog coffee?
I had my Daddy try it.  Lol! His response was, "That's TERRIBLE!"  Well, I like it!  Yummy :))

You saw what we did when we drove up in the night, here's what it looks like in the light of day.

And where the momma and girls stay....Thank you, Daddy!! (complete with working plumbing!!)

And a few more sights....

Know what this is for?  Don't worry, by the time they get here, they don't feel a thing...hehehehe...

Yeah, if you're a bambi lovin' tree hugger.... you might want to stop reading this....NOW  ;)

You gotta appreciate a good group of men with a great sense of humor....
For the "harvest", and just in case you can't read the sign...
Lol!!!  Is that not hilarious?  Love it!  LOVE a man with a sense of humor!!!!

What do you do if it's drizzling and you're bored in the camp house?  You talk your Grandpa into going outside and letting you shoot the BB gun...

Okay, you've been warned once, but I'm telling you, DO NOT read further if you are opposed to blood, guts, or dead deer...

My Little Guy got his first deer!  Well, he might have had some help, but please don't tell him!  He and his Grandpa had a very productive morning!
Okay, there was one more pic I wanted to share, but even with my warnings, I'm afraid it's just too graphic for some of my readers.  It is of a 13 year old girl getting a lesson in cleaning and dressing out a deer.  Why would I want to share that?  Because 30 years ago, that was me.  No, I'm not 40....yet!  But, I got an earlier start. Hehehe...

The take was great!  Archer got two, Daddy got one, Brother took two, and, of course, Little Guy got his first!!  Way to go Guys!!  Lot's to be thankful for!