Tuesday, May 22, 2012

This Little Pig Went to Market

Home, I'm home, but it's a little bittersweet. The 2012 International Quilt Market was more than I ever imagined, and tho I did miss the kiddos a wee bit, I think I could have stayed!

Arriving in Kansas City on Wednesday, I went straight away to the airport to pickup the wonderfully talented Scott Hansen of Blue Nickel Studios! It's a good thing, too, because I kinda sorta had his clothes with me! But that's another story. ;)

From there we went to the convention center...

And picked up my credentials!! Eeeeeekkkk!!!

After the booth was set up, and we were leaving the convention hall, my mouth was dry. It was then I realized I was walking with my jaw gaping open. :-/ I was told I wasn't the first for that to happen to. ;)

Exhausted I was by this time, so headed over to the hotel to await the arrival of my roomie, the lovely Kristi McDonough, the very talented Shari Butler and her sweet hubster Dan. I can say it was love at first sight! Here we are, two weary travelers(hint: we look much better in the morning) just moments after meeting.

Stay tuned...I'll talk about Thursday tomorrow. And Scott's shirts...does anyone want to know about those? Maybe I'll write about that process, but only if you're interested. ;)

Love to you!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Workin' On It

Workin' on what?? Working on it all!!

Just in case you need to know, you can now type in SewSowinLove.com and get to this blog. Yeah, I know, I'm the only one who's really impressed by that. Lol And, yes, I had thought I'd use WordPress, but, after an entire week of wrestling with it myself, I gave up and called in MissTiff of Another Pie In the Sky(see her cute button over on the right). ;) She came in on her white horse to "Save the Day!!"

Working on a diaper bag out of this...

And it was a good mail day around here, I've had several of those lately, but you are gonna have to wait until after Market to see what that's all about. I can tell you this...the goods are fab, but the reading is DRY! I love algebra, but geometry, well, I am a quilter, so I do love geometry, let's just say it's not my strong suit. O.o there's a little hint. ;)

Love you all!!!! xoxoxo

Thursday, March 29, 2012

What Do You Do?

So last night, I was admiring a designers work, and sent a quick note, just to say, "Well done!" They were so kind to respond(no response was needed, just being nice, I'm sure). In their email they asked, "What is it you do 'for a living'(had to put that in quotes, cause it's SO funny!)?". I'm connected to this person via LinkedIn, so they can see my profile, and now that I think about it, I guess my descriptions are pretty vague. "I make things special," just doesn't seem to cut it. Lol

Here's a "for instance." I sent this set to a charity auction in New York.

One of my very special Likers on FB saw it and wondered what I could do to make her little one something. Here's a pic "in process."

I know...no pic of it finished. Out the door too darn quick.

I make things unique. Just like their owners. Now how do I say that in 30 seconds? I've got 49 days to figure it out. ;)

Love to you All!!!!

Friday, February 24, 2012


Sometimes grownups feel like children. Sometimes you wish fairytales were real. Sometimes things seem too hard. But we know God is good and always in control. And so.... We smile.


Much love to you all. xoxo